1. The technical condition and equipment of vehicles participating in road traffic in the part related to road traffic safety and environmental protection must meet the requirements of the relevant technical regulations, standards, rules and guidelines for their technical operation.

2. Power-driven vehicles and trailers must be registered with the internal affairs bodies during the period of validity of the registration plate “Transit” or no later than ten days from the date of purchase or customs declaration.

3. On motor vehicles (except trams and trolleybuses) and trailers, state registration plates must be installed in the designated places.

The numbers and letters of the registration plates must be repeated on the rear wall of the bodies of trucks, trailers (except trailers for passenger cars and motorcycles) and buses. The height of the digits is at least three hundred millimeters, the width is at least one hundred and twenty millimeters, the stroke thickness is thirty millimeters, the size of the letters is 2/3 of the size of the digits.

Registration numbers assigned by the relevant departments are applied on trams and trolleybuses.

4. In the event of a traffic accident with the occurrence of malfunctions in which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, the vehicle undergoes a repeated mandatory technical inspection.

In the event of a traffic accident with the occurrence of malfunctions in which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, an authorized official of the internal affairs bodies directs the vehicle for repeated mandatory technical inspection.

The fact of passing a mandatory technical inspection by a motor vehicle is carried out by requesting information in the unified information system of mandatory technical inspection of motor vehicles and trailers to them.

5. A truck with an on-board platform used for transporting passengers is equipped with seats fixed at a height of thirty to fifty centimeters from the floor and at least thirty centimeters from the upper edge of the side, and when transporting children, in addition, the sides must have a height of at least eighty centimeters from floor level.

The seats located along the rear or side sides must have strong backs.

6. A power-driven vehicle used for driving training and belonging to an educational organization must be equipped with an additional clutch and brake pedals, an identification mark “Training vehicle”, on the side and rear surfaces of such a vehicle the inscription “Training vehicle” shall be applied on the state language.

7. The bicycle must have a working brake, steering wheel and sound signal, equipped with a retroreflector and a lantern or a headlight (for driving at night and conditions of poor visibility) in front of white colour, in the rear – with a retroreflector or a red lantern, and on each side – with a retroreflector orange or red.

8. A horse-drawn carriage must have a serviceable parking brake and wheel chocks provided for by the design, be equipped in front with two retroreflectors or a white lamp (for driving at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility), and in the rear – with two retroreflectors or a red lamp.

9. The following identification signs shall be installed on vehicles:

Identification and other marks

«Road train»
In the form of three orange lights located horizontally on the roof of the cabin with gaps between them from one hundred and fifty to three hundred millimetres – on trucks and wheeled tractors (class 1.4 and above) with trailers, as well as on articulated buses and trolleybuses. It shall be permitted to use identification signs of a road train in the form of an equilateral triangle of yellow colour (side – 250мм) with a device for internal lighting.
«Studs» (optionally)
In the form of an equilateral triangle of white colour with the top up with a red border, into which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle shall not be less than two hundred millimetres, the width of the border shall be 1/10 of the side) – behind mechanical vehicles with studded tires.
In the form of a yellow square with a red border (side not less than two hundred and fifty millimetres, border width – 1/10 of the side), with a black image of the symbol of road sign 1.21 in front and behind buses or trucks when transporting groups of children.
«A driver with complete hearing loss»
In the form of a yellow circle with a diameter of 160 mm with three black circles with a diameter of 40 mm applied inside, located at the corners of an imaginary equilateral triangle, the top of which is facing down — front and rear of motor vehicles driven by drivers with complete loss of speech and hearing, or with complete hearing loss.
«Training vehicle»
In the form of an equilateral triangle of white colour with the top up with a red border, into which the letter “U” is inscribed in black (side – at least two hundred millimetres, border width – 1/10 of the side) – in front and behind mechanical vehicles used for driving training (it shall be permitted to install a two-sided sign on the roof of a car).
«Speed limit»
In the form of a reduced colour image of road sign 3.24 indicating the permitted speed (sign diameter – at least one hundred and sixty millimetres, border width – 1/10 of the diameter) – on the rear side of the body on the left of motor vehicles carrying heavy and large cargo, as well as in cases where the maximum speed of the vehicle according to the technical characteristics is lower than that specified in paragraph 10.3 of the Traffic rules.
«Dangerous cargo»
In the form of a rectangle with a retroreflective surface that meets the requirements of ST RK GOST R 41.104, 690×300 mm in size, the right side of which is 400×300 mm in size, painted orange, and the left side is white with a black border (width – fifteen millimetres) and symbols characterizing the hazardous properties of the cargo (according to GOST 19433) – in front and behind the vehicles carrying such cargo.
«Oversize cargo»
In the form of a shield measuring 400×400 mm with red and white alternating stripes applied diagonally fifty millimetres wide with a retroreflective surface that meets the requirements of GOST ST RK GOST R 51253 and ST RK GOST R 41.104 – in front, behind and on the side of oversize cargo.
«Long-length vehicle»
In the form of a yellow rectangle with a size of at least 1200×200 mm with a red border (width – forty millimetres), with a retroreflective surface – behind vehicles, the length of which (including one trailer) with or without cargo is more than twenty meters and road trains with two or more trailers. If it is impossible to place a sign of the specified size, it shall be permitted to install two identical signs with a size of at least 600×200 mm symmetrically to the axis of the vehicle.
«A person with a disability»
In the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol of the road sign 7.17 in black — front and rear of motor vehicles driven by persons with disabilities of the first and second groups or transporting persons with such disability groups.
«Electric car»
In the form of a green square with a side of one hundred and fifty millimeters and an image of the symbol of the road sign 7.22 in black – behind electric vehicles;
«A car with gas cylinder equipment»
In the form of an equilateral triangle of yellow color with the top up with a black border, in which an exclamation mark and the word “GAS” are inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least two hundred millimeters, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) – front and rear of motor vehicles with gas cylinder equipment.
«Doctor» (Optionally)
In the form of a blue square (side – one hundred and forty millimetres) with an inscribed white circle (diameter – one hundred and twenty-five millimetres), on which a red cross is applied (height – ninety millimetres, stroke width – twenty-five millimetres) – in front and behind a car driven by a doctor – driver.
Distinctive sign of the RK vehicle

10. The emergency stop sign must comply with the requirements of GOST 24333. The flashing red colour emitted by the lamp used in accordance with the requirements of section 7 of the Traffic rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan must be well distinguished during the day in sunny weather and conditions of poor visibility.

11. In cases where the distinguishing sign of the vehicle of the Republic of Kazakhstan “KZ” is placed separately from the state registration plate, it must meet the following requirements: the letters must be at least eighty millimetres high and marked with strokes at least ten millimetres wide. The letters must be black on a white background, shaped like an ellipse, the main axis of which is horizontal. The white background may be made of reflective material. The sign is glued or installed on the rear window in the upper right corner of cars, minibuses and buses, and for other vehicles – on the rear panel in the right part – in the middle.

12. Warning devices for designating flexible connecting links when towing motor vehicles must be made in the form of flags or shields measuring 200×200 mm with red and white alternating stripes fifty millimetres wide with a retroreflective surface applied diagonally on both sides.
At least two warning devices must be installed on the flexible link.

13. The design of a rigid towing device.

14. The operation of vehicles shall be prohibited in the following cases:
1) the presence of technical malfunctions and conditions that pose a threat to road safety and the environment, their non-compliance with technical regulations, standards, rules and guidelines for their technical operation, as well as their re-equipment without appropriate approval;

2) non-compliance of the numbers of units and assemblies installed on the vehicle with the data entered in the registration documents for the vehicle, and also if the units and units installed on the vehicle have hidden, fake and changed numbers;

3) lack of registration documents;

4) failure to pass the mandatory technical inspection, except for vehicles of category M1, the age of which does not exceed seven years, including the year of manufacture, not used in business activities in the field of road transport;

5) the absence of state registration plates or their non-compliance with the established requirements and registration documents;

6) failure to agree on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners and (or) an agreement on compulsory insurance of civil liability of a carrier to passengers.

The fact of concluding a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners and (or) a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier to passengers is confirmed by requesting officials to a single insurance database;

7) if their technical condition and equipment do not meet the requirements of the list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited (according to Annex);

8) driving a car with a trailer that is not intended for movement in combination with it;

9) the presence of technical malfunctions of rail vehicles that pose a threat to road safety, as well as if their technical condition and equipment do not meet the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of rail vehicles approved by the authorized body in the field of transport and communications;

10) equipping vehicles with special light and sound signals and painting according to special colour and graphic schemes, not included in the list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and painting according to special colour and graphic schemes, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

11) installation of state registration plates of a vehicle in places not provided for by the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of road traffic;

12) the absence of the “Dangerous goods” sign in front and behind the vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

15. Officials and other persons responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles shall be prohibited from:

1) allowing to operation the vehicles that have malfunctions with which their operation is prohibited, or converted without an appropriate permit, or not registered in the prescribed manner, or that have not passed a mandatory technical inspection, as well as owners who, in cases established by law, have not concluded a contract for mandatory liability insurance of vehicle owners and/or an agreement on compulsory insurance of the carrier’s liability to passengers;

2) allowing drivers who are in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or otherwise) to drive vehicles, under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety, or persons who do not have the right to drive the vehicle of this category;

3) directing tractors and caterpillar self-propelled vehicles to drive on asphalt and cement concrete roads.

Следующая статья1. The list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and coloring according to special color schemes