A dressing is the basic first aid tool; dressings immobilize a body part in the right position or reinforce a first aid tool – gauze, bandages with ointment, a crushing object.
Depending on the task, bandages are divided into cover bandages, which serve to keep the covering agent on the wound, pressure bandages, which serve to stop bleeding, and solid bandages, otherwise known as immobilizing bandages, to achieve immobilization (immobility) of the wounded area.

According to the type of material used, dressings are divided into:
– bandages – gauze is most commonly used;
– Praschidas – a strip of cloth or gauze notched on the sides;
– Scarves – triangular scarves that can be used to bandage a large area of the body, they are also used to hang the upper extremity.
– Bandages – adhesive bandages that stick firmly to the skin surface;
– splints – used to immobilize wounded bones and joints;
– solid – starch and plaster bandages.

Principles of application. The application of bandage dressings consists in uncoiling the bandage and imposing the strokes one on another. The bandage consists of the so-called “head”, which is the rolled-up part of the bandage, and the “body”, which is the part of the bandage that is actually bandaged.
The caregiver holds the “head” in his right hand and with his left hand holds the “body” of the bandage on the bandaged area of the wounded person’s body.
The bandage should be applied firmly, it should not bunch and slip, but at the same time it should not put too much pressure, causing pain and worsening the blood supply. The part of the body to be bandaged should be exposed and easily accessible; bandaging should always be done from left to right.
Methods of bandaging. Bandaging is done by applying loops of bandage, with each successive loop overlapping the previous loop by half. Bandage turns are applied in the form of a spiral – serpentine, in the form of eight – crossing – when bandaging the elbow and knee, and in the form of a spike. After bandaging, the end of the bandage is torn in two halves and each end is tied around the bandaged part of the body, and then the ends are tied with a knot.

Следующая статья23. HEAD AND NECK BANDAGES