The essence of artificial respiration is the artificial introduction of air into the lungs. It is performed in all cases of respiratory arrest, as well as in the presence of irregular breathing. The main condition for successful artificial respiration is the free patency of the airways and the availability of fresh air.

The most effective method of breathing is “from lungs to lungs”, carried out usually by the method of “mouth to mouth”; when reviving by this method in the lungs of the victim is introduced up to one and a half liters of air, which is the volume of one deep breath.
The wounded person is laid on the back. The aid worker stands on the right side of the wounded person and puts his right hand under his neck and lifts his neck. This tilts the wounded person’s head back and opens his airway, previously blocked by a sunken tongue. The helper then applies pressure to the forehead with the edge of his left palm, helping to keep the wounded person’s head tilted back, while using his thumb and forefinger to pinch his nose. The caregiver then pulls his right hand out from under the victim’s neck and presses on his chin to open his mouth. The caregiver then takes a deep breath and exhales the entire contents of the lungs into the casualty’s mouth. The air flow into the lungs is manifested by the expansion of the wounded person’s chest.
In young children, artificial respiration can be performed by breathing into the mouth and nose at the same time. Breathing should be rhythmic, 16 to 19 times per minute.

Artificial respiration can also be done “mouth to nose”. The basic position is the same as the mouth-to-mouth method. However, the victim’s mouth must be closed.
If the victim’s face is injured and it is impossible to perform artificial respiration “from lungs to lungs”, the method of compressing and expanding the chest by folding and pressing the injured person’s hands to the chest with their subsequent separation to the sides should be used. The victim lies on his back, with a roller placed under his shoulder blades and his head slightly tilted back.

Предыдущая статья17. REVIVAL
Следующая статья19. HEART MASSAGE