77. Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that:
1) the lane to which he/she intends to enter is free at a distance sufficient for overtaking and by this manoeuvre he/she will not interfere with oncoming vehicles and vehicles moving behind in this lane, including those giving warning signals in accordance with paragraphs 12 and 13 of section 19 Rules;
2) a vehicle following behind in the same lane has not started overtaking;
3) the driver of a vehicle moving ahead in the same lane has not given a signal to manoeuvre to the left;
4) upon completion of overtaking with exit to the lane (side) of oncoming traffic, he/she will be able, without interfering with the overtaken vehicle, to return to the previously occupied lane.
78. It shall be permitted to overtake a trackless vehicle on the left side. Overtaking a vehicle, the driver of which has signalled a turn to the left and proceeded to manoeuvre shall be carried out on the right side.
79. Upon completion of overtaking with exit to the lane (side) of oncoming traffic, the driver shall return to the previously occupied lane.
80. The driver of the vehicle being overtaken shall be prohibited from preventing overtaking by increasing the speed of movement or by other actions.
81. Overtaking shall be prohibited:
1) at regulated intersections with exit to the lane of oncoming traffic;
2) at unregulated intersections when driving on the main road that changes direction (except for permitted overtaking on the right) and on a road that is not the main one (except for overtaking at roundabouts, overtaking two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer and permitted overtaking on the right);
3) at pedestrian crossings if there are pedestrians on them;
4) at level crossings and closer than a hundred meters in front of them;
5) a vehicle that overtakes or bypasses;
6) at the end of the ascent and on other sections of roads with limited visibility with exit to the oncoming traffic lane and (or) marked with signs 3.20 and 3.22.
82. The driver of a low-speed or large-sized vehicle outside built-up areas, in cases where overtaking this vehicle, is difficult, shall take as much to the right as possible, and if necessary, stop to let the vehicles that have accumulated behind him pass.
83. If the oncoming passing is difficult and the priority of the passing is not determined by signs 2.6 and 2.7, then the driver on whose side there is an obstacle shall give way. On slopes marked with signs 1.13 and 1.14, in the presence of an obstacle, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill shall give way.