The driver shall drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the features and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular, visibility in the direction of travel.

Permitted speed on highways:
– on the I-a category — 140 km/h;
– on the I-b category — 110 km/h;
– on roads of categories II and III, the permissible speed is 100 km/h (unless there are other restrictions).
And in the areas where repair work is being carried out, signs are installed according to the warrant for the right to carry out work. You can get acquainted with the traffic regulations (10. speed of movement) in detail here.

What is the difference between a white sign of a locality and a blue one?

Beginning of a built-up area
White background
This sign is placed when the section of road on which the car is moving coincides with the location of a city, village or settlement and passes practically through their center or the busiest part. Thus, moving in the paved direction, the motorist, passing the sign, must begin to comply with all established traffic rules that apply here. (traffic lights, markings, crossings)
Beginning of a built-up area
Blue background
This situation indicates that the route of the car does not pass through the settlement itself, but only through the most remote part of it. Thus, the presence of such a pointer only tells you exactly where the driver is now. In other words, it is not necessary to slow down and start following the traffic rules established for populated areas.
If similar signs are used on motorways, their color changes to green.

That the speed limit is only affected by the white background. If it is colored (blue or green), then it only indicates the name of the city, village or village passing by and does not require any speed reduction.

Vehicle braking distance and pedestrian visibility zone at night

Braking distance – this is the distance that the car will cover from the moment when the brakes are fully applied to the moment when it stops completely.

Pedestrian visibility zone at night – it is one of the most important aspects of road safety. It determines how far a pedestrian can be seen by the driver of the car and takes into account the lighting on the road, the pedestrian’s clothing and the condition of the road surface.

Also an important aspect is the stopping distance of the car. It depends on the speed at which the car is moving, the condition of the road and the condition of the vehicle.

You should always remember that the basic rule on the road is to be careful and careful. If each participant adheres to this principle, the pedestrian visibility zone and the stopping path of the car will not be so critical for road safety.

Предыдущая статья8. Ranks of employees of the MIA RK and their corresponding shoulder straps
Следующая статья1. Traffic rules for cyclists