Headbands should fit well, they should not bunch up or put pressure on sensitive areas such as the ears and forehead. Bandages should also not put pressure on the neck or chin and, if the nature of the injury permits, they should not cover the eyes and ears.
The strongest headbands are those with auxiliary passages running under the chin.
The basis of each head bandage is a double or triple bandage around the head. These passages also serve as the main ones when bandaging the ear or forehead. Finishing moves of this kind are usually applied around the forehead.

The simplest head bandages are the following:
– Head bandage cap – a strip of bandage approximately 70 cm long is dropped from the vertex down in front of the ears. The ends of the bandage are held by the wounded person or a helper. Around this strip, around the head, circular strokes of bandage are applied until the entire head is bandaged, with each circular stroke covering part of the loosely applied bandage strip.
– figure eight – crossed bandage at the back of the head and the parietal – the strokes are crossed at the back of the head.
– ear bandage – the circular strokes gradually cover the sore ear and run consecutively above and below the healthy ear.
– eye bandage – circular passages around the forehead, placed on half of the diseased eye, below the ear, directly over the diseased eye.
– The neck bandage should be loose, not too tight, and should not put pressure on the larynx or cause choking. It is best to apply such dressings, which consist of a back of the head dressing in a figure of eight, combined with turns around the neck.

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