In more severe wounds and sudden illnesses, immediate transport of the injured person to a medical facility is required. In such cases, it is said to transport the wounded person.
Transportation of the wounded person must be quick, safe and gentle; during transportation the wounded person must not be subjected to great pain by concussion or an uncomfortable position, since these factors contribute to shock. In case of severe wounds the wounded person must be accompanied by an attendant.

The transportation of the wounded person depends on the circumstances in which the injury or wounding occurred, on the number of persons who can provide first aid, and on the means of transportation available.
If necessary, the delivery of the wounded person is made by one person. In doing so, the wounded person may be carried in the following ways:
– supporting the wounded person;
– Carry a wounded man on his arms; – Carry a wounded man on his shoulders;
– Carry the wounded on the shoulders, on the back;
– to drag a wounded person on a cloak, on a sheet or on branches.

If two persons assist and they do not have a stretcher at their disposal, the wounded person can be carried as follows
– by placing the wounded person on clasped hands;
– by placing the wounded person on a “chair” – clutched hands of both helpers;
– by planting the wounded man on a board, a thick pole, which the assistants hold by the ends;
– one helper holds the wounded person under the knees, the other under the armpits (this method is not applicable to spinal fractures!).

The best way to carry a wounded person is to use standard means of transportation – a stretcher, or at least improvised means of transportation – skis, a chair put on poles, a ladder, a board, a coat into which poles are put. One should always transport the wounded man down the mountain or upwards with his head up. Transporting the wounded by vehicles is the quickest and most convenient mode of transportation; however, the wounded should be placed in a proper, comfortable position appropriate to the type of his wound.

Предыдущая статья19. HEART MASSAGE