2. List of malfunctions and conditions that pose a threat to road safety and the environment, under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited


This list shall establish malfunctions of cars, buses, road trains, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds, tractors, and self-propelled machines and the conditions under which their operation shall be prohibited. Methods for checking the given parameters shall be regulated by the relevant technical regulations, standards, rules and manuals for their technical operation.

1. Brake systems

During road tests, the standards of braking efficiency of the service brake system, given in the table, are not observed:

VehiclesCategory of vehicle
(tow car as part of a road train)
Braking distance,
no more than
Steady state deceleration,
m/s2, no less
Passenger and
М2, М318,35,0
Light vehicles with a trailerМ114,75,8
Cargo vehiclesN1 N2, N318,35,0
Cargo vehicles with a trailer
N1 N2, N319,55,0
1. The tests are carried out on a horizontal section of road with a flat, dry, clean cement or asphalt concrete surface at a speed of 40 km/h at the beginning of braking – for cars, buses and road trains, and 30 km/h — for motorcycles and mopeds. Vehicles are tested by a single impact on the control body of the service braking system. The mass of the vehicle during the tests must not exceed the permitted maximum mass.
2. The effectiveness of the service braking system of vehicles can be assessed by other indicators in accordance with the National Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan 51709 “Motor vehicles. Requirements for the technical condition of traffic safety conditions. Verification methods” (hereinafter — ST RK GOST R 51709), approved by Order No. 429 of the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 13, 2004.

3. “*” hereafter, the categories of vehicles are indicated in Appendix A to ST RK GOST R 51709.

4. The tightness of the hydraulic brake actuator is broken.

5. Violation of the tightness of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake actuators causes an air pressure drop of more than 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf/cm2) in 15 minutes after they are fully activated when the engine is not running.

6. The pressure gauge of the pneumatic and pneumohydraulic brake actuators does not work.

7. The parking brake system does not provide a stationary state:

1) vehicles with full load — at an incline of up to 16% inclusive;

2) passenger cars and buses in running order — at a slope of up to 23% inclusive;

3) trucks and road trains in running order — at an incline of up to 31% inclusive.

2. Steering

8. The total play in the steering exceeds the following values:

Vehicle typeTotal backlash (degrees), no more
Passenger cars and trucks based on them and buses10

9. There are movements of parts and assemblies not provided for by the design; threaded connections are not tightened or not secured in the prescribed manner.

10. The power steering or steering damper (for motorcycles) is defective or missing.

3. External lights

11. The number, type, color, location and mode of operation of external lighting devices do not meet the requirements of the vehicle design.

Note. On vehicles discontinued, it is allowed to install external lighting devices from vehicles of other brands and models.

12. The headlight adjustment does not meet the requirements.

13. External lighting devices and retroreflectors do not work in the set mode or are dirty.

14. There are no diffusers on lighting devices or diffusers and lamps that do not correspond to the type of this light device are used.

15. The installation of flashing lights does not meet the requirements of the standard.

16. Lighting devices with red lights or retroreflectors are installed in front of the vehicle, and white in the rear, except for reversing lights and registration plate lighting, retroreflective registration, distinctive and identification signs.

4. Windshield wipers and windshield washers

17. Windshield wipers do not work in the set mode.

18. The windshield washers provided for by the design of the vehicle do not work.

5. Wheels and tires

19. Passenger car tires have a residual tread pattern height of less than 1.6 mm, trucks — 1 mm, buses — 2 mm, motorcycles and mopeds — 0.8 mm.

Note. For trailers, the norms of the residual height of the tire tread pattern are established, similar to the norms for tires of tractor vehicles.

20. Tires have local damage (breakdowns, cuts, tears) exposing the cord, as well as delamination of the frame, peeling of the tread and sidewalls.

21. The mounting bolt (nut) is missing or there are cracks in the disc and wheel rims.

22. The tires do not match the vehicle model in size or load capacity.

23. Tires of various sizes, designs (radial, diagonal, chambered, tubeless), models with different tread patterns, studded and non-studded, frost-resistant and non-frost-resistant, new and refurbished are installed on one axle of vehicles.

24. Tires with a restored tread are installed on the front axle of an intercity bus (class II**) and a long—distance bus (class III), and tires restored according to the second repair class are installed on other axles.

25. Tires restored according to the second repair class are installed on the front axle of a passenger car and a city bus (class I).

6. Engine

26. The content of harmful substances in exhaust gases and their opacity exceeds the norms established by technical regulations and standards.

27. The tightness of the power supply system is broken.

28. The system of release of the fulfilled gases is defective.

29. The tightness of the crankcase ventilation system is broken.

7. Other structural elements

30. There are no rear-view mirrors provided for by the vehicle design or their configuration does not meet the requirements established by ST RK GOST R 51709.

31. There are no windows and sun visors provided for by the vehicle design.

32. An audio signal with a changing fundamental frequency is not working or is installed.

33. Additional items have been installed that limit visibility from the driver’s seat (with the exception of rear-view mirrors, wiper parts, external and applied or embedded radio antennas, heating elements of defrosting and dehumidification devices of the windshield), entailing the risk of injury to road users.

Coatings have been applied or transparent colored films have been pasted on the windshields and (or) the front side windows of the cabin (interior) of a mechanical vehicle.

Note. On the upper part of the windshield, it is allowed to use a strip of transparent colored film with a width of no more than 140 mm, and on vehicles of categories M3 N2 N3 – with a width not exceeding the minimum distance between the upper edge of the windshield and the upper boundary of its cleaning zone with a wiper. It is allowed to use blinds on the windows of buses, as well as blinds and blinds on the rear windows of passenger cars.

34. The presence of cracks on the windshield of the vehicle in the wiper cleaning area of half of the glass located on the driver’s side.

35. The locks of the doors of the body or cabin provided for by the design, the locks of the sides of the cargo platform, the locks of the tank necks and fuel tank plugs, the adjustment mechanism and locking devices of the driver and passengers’ seats, the emergency door switch and the stop signal on the bus, the emergency exits of the bus and their actuation devices, internal control devices do not work in accordance with the established procedure bus interior lighting, door control drive and alarm system, speedometer, tachograph, anti-theft devices, heating and glass blowing devices.

36. The rear protective device, dirt-proof aprons and mudguards provided by the design are missing.

37. The traction and coupling devices of the tractor and trailer link are defective, as well as the safety cables (chains) provided for by their design are missing or defective. There are backlashes in the joints of the motorcycle frame with the frame of the side trailer.

38. Missing:

1) on buses, cars and trucks, wheeled tractors, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, emergency stop sign (flashing red light);

2) on trucks with a permitted maximum weight of over 3.5 tons and buses, anti-rollback stops (at least two);

3) on a motorcycle with a side trailer, a first aid kit, an emergency stop sign (flashing red light);

4) marking with retroreflective material that meets the requirements of the National Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan 51253 “Motor vehicles. Color schemes for the placement of reflective markings” (hereinafter — ST RK GOST R 51253) and 41.104 “Uniform regulations concerning the official approval of reflective markings for vehicles of long length and carrying capacity” (hereinafter — ST RK GOST R 41.104), approved by the order of the Chairman of the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10 October 2001, No. 381.

Note. The minimum content of medicines and medical devices in a first-aid kit is established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

39. On vehicles not included in the list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and coloring according to special color schemes, flashing light signals of red and blue colors are used, regardless of their installation location, or sound signals with alternating tones, or special color schemes used on vehicles of operational and special services*.

40. There are no seat belts if their installation is provided for by the design of the vehicle.

41. Seat belts are inoperable or have visible tears on the strap.

42. The vehicle registration plate does not meet the requirements of the standard.

43. There are no safety arcs provided for by the design on the motorcycle.

44. On motorcycles and mopeds, there are no footrests provided by the design, transverse handles for passengers on the saddle.

45. There are no additional elements of braking systems, steering and other components and assemblies provided for by the design or installed without approval from the vehicle manufacturer or other authorized organization, the requirements for which are regulated by this list.

46. The re-equipment of vehicles has been carried out in violation of the requirements provided for in the field of technical regulation.

The conversion of vehicles of the M1, M2, M3 categories related to the installation (dismantling) of seats, organization of sleeping places and cargo compartments has been carried out.

The conversion of vehicles of categories N1, N2, N3 related to the transfer to the M2 and M3 categories has been carried out.

For the M1 category, retrofitting is allowed due to a decrease in the number of seats.

For the M1, M2 categories, conversion is allowed, associated with their transfer to the N1, N2 categories.

Note: Re—equipment (modification of the design) of vehicles is the exclusion of components and items of equipment that affect road safety provided for or the installation of components and items of equipment that are not provided for by the design of the vehicle.

47. Elements (devices) are installed on state registration plates that allow hiding the alphanumeric and numeric designations of the registration plate.

Предыдущая статья1. The list of operational and special services, the transport of which is subject to equipment with special light and sound signals and coloring according to special color schemes
Следующая статьяThe Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Road Traffic»