Warning signs (the color of the sign is yellow, the shape is triangular)

Д 01«Fire hazard. Flammable substances»

Use it to draw attention to rooms with flammable substances. On entrance doors, cabinet doors, containers, etc.

Д 02«Explosive»

Use it to draw attention to explosive substances, as well as to rooms and areas. On entrance doors, walls of rooms, cabinet doors, etc.

Д 03«Dangerous. Toxic substances»

In places of storage, isolation, production and use of toxic substances

Д 04«Dangerous. Caustic and corrosive substances»

In places of storage, isolation, production and use of caustic and corrosive substances

Д 05«Dangerous. Radioactive substances or ionizing radiation»

On the doors of rooms, cabinet doors and in other places where radioactive substances are located and used or there is ionizing radiation. It is allowed to use the radiation hazard sign according to GOST 17925

Д 06«Dangerous. Possible cargo drop»

Near hazardous areas where lifting and transport equipment is used, on construction sites, sites, workshops, workshops, etc.

Д 07«Attention. Forklift truck»

In the premises and areas where loading and unloading operations are carried out

Д 08«Danger of electric shock»

On poles of power transmission lines, electrical equipment and appliances, doors of power panels, on electrical panels and cabinets, as well as on fences of live parts of equipment, mechanisms, devices

Д 09«Attention. Danger (other hazards)»

Use it to draw attention to other types of hazards not designated by this standard. The sign must be used together with an additional safety sign with an explanatory inscription

Д 10«Dangerous. Laser radiation»

On the doors of premises, equipment, appliances and other places where there is laser radiation

Д 11«Fire hazard. Oxidizer»

On the doors of rooms, cabinet doors to attract attention to the presence of an oxidizer

Д 12«Attention. Electromagnetic field»

On the doors of premises, equipment, appliances and other places where electromagnetic fields operate

Д 13«Attention. Magnetic field»

On the doors of premises, equipment, appliances and other places where magnetic fields operate

Д 14«Carefully. An inconspicuous obstacle»

In places where there are subtle obstacles that you can stumble over

Д 15«Carefully. The possibility of falling from a height»

Before entering dangerous areas and in places where it is possible to fall from a height

Д 16«Carefully. Biological hazard (Infectious substances)»

In places of storage, production or use of biological substances harmful to health

Д 17«Carefully. Cold»

On the doors of refrigerators and freezers, compressor units and other refrigerating appliances

Д 18

«Carefully. Allergic (irritating) substances harmful to health»

In places of storage, production or use of allergic (irritating) substances harmful to health

Д 19«Gas cylinder»

On gas cylinders, warehouses and areas of storage and use of compressed or liquefied gases. Cylinder color: black or white, selected according to GOST 19433

Д 20«Caution, Battery packs»

In the premises and areas of manufacture, storage and use of batteries

Д 21«Carefully. Cutting shafts»

On work sites and equipment with unprotected cutting shafts, for example, on woodworking, road or agricultural equipment

Д 22«Attention. Danger of pressure»

On the doors of turnstiles and barriers

Д 23«Carefully. Tipping is possible»

On roads, ramps, warehouses, areas where overturning of intra-factory transport is possible

Д 24«Attention. Automatic activation (start-up) of equipment»

At workplaces, equipment or individual equipment units with automatic activation

Д 25«Carefully. Hot surface»

In workplaces and equipment with heated surfaces

Д 26«Carefully. Possible injury to the hands»

On equipment, equipment components, covers and doors, where it is possible to get a hand injury

Д 27«Carefully. Slippery»

On the territory and areas where there are slippery places

Д 28«Carefully. Possible tightening between rotating elements»

In workplaces and equipment with rotating elements, for example, in roller mills

Д 29«Carefully. Narrowing of the passage (passage)»

In territories, sites, workshops and warehouses where there are narrowing of the passage (passage) or there are protruding structures that make it difficult to pass (passage)

Предыдущая статья1. PROHIBITION SIGNS
Следующая статья3. PRESCRIPTIVE SIGNS