Attention! We have developed the content of our website very carefully. However, we do not assume responsibility for the correctness, completeness and relevance of the information provided. This does not apply to liability for the deletion or blocking of the use of information in accordance with applicable law. However, the corresponding liability is possible only from the moment the fact of a specific violation of the law is discovered. If we report a corresponding violation of the law, we will immediately delete such illegal content.
Links to other sources
Our website contains links to third-party resources of third parties, the content of which we cannot influence in any way. Accordingly, we do not assume responsibility for the content of these sources. Only the provider or the administrator is responsible for the content of the relevant sources. At the time of the publication of the links, the sites on which the links were posted were checked for possible violations of the law. Illegal content was not found at the time of publication. It is not possible to constantly monitor the content of websites by links without specifying specific violations of the law. If you report a violation of the law, we will immediately remove the relevant links.
The content of the website developed by the administrator is subject to the law on intellectual property. Copying, processing, distribution and any use of the materials that goes beyond the scope of copyright. Downloading and copying of materials is allowed only for personal, non-commercial use. If the content included materials that were not developed by the administrator, the law on the protection of copyright of third parties comes into force. In particular, materials received from third parties will be marked as such. If, despite this, you find a copyright infringement, we ask you to inform us about it. If you report a violation of the law, we will immediately delete the relevant materials.
Data protection
The use of our website is usually possible without providing personal data. The collection of personal data (for example, name, address or e-mail address) is carried out, as far as possible, on a voluntary basis. This data is not transferred to third parties without your consent.
It should be noted that data transmission over the Internet (for example, during communication by e-mail) may not be secure enough. Complete data protection from third-party access is not possible.
It is hereby prohibited for third parties to use the contact data published in the output data section to send unauthorized advertising and informational materials. Administrators reserve the right to apply to the court in case of sending unsolicited advertising information, for example through spam by e-mail. In this article, you agree that you and only you are responsible for your actions.