Signs of additional information (plates) shall clarify or limit the effect of the signs with which they are applied.


«Distance to the object»
Shall indicate the distance from the sign to the beginning of the dangerous section, the place of introduction of the corresponding restriction or a certain object (place) located ahead in the direction of travel.


«Distance to the object»
Shall indicate the distance from sign 2.4 to the intersection if sign 2.5 is placed immediately before the intersection.

7.1.3 – 7.1.4

«Distance to the object»
Shall indicate the distance to an object that is off the road.


«Coverage area»
Shall indicate the length of the dangerous section of the road, marked with signs, or the coverage area of prohibition and information-indicative signs.


«Coverage area»
shall indicate the coverage area of prohibition signs 3.27 – 3.30.


«Coverage area»
shall indicate the end of the area of validity of signs 3.27-3.30.


«Coverage area»
shall inform drivers about their presence in the coverage area of signs 3.27 – 3.30.

7.2.5 – 7.2.6

«Coverage area»
shall indicate the direction and coverage area of signs 3.27 – 3.30 when standing or parking is prohibited along one side of the square, building facade, etc.

7.3.1 – 7.3.3

«Direction of action»
Shall indicate the direction of action of signs installed in front of the intersection, or the direction of movement to designated objects located directly by the road.

7.4.1 – 7.4.8

«Type of vehicle»
Shall indicate the type of vehicle to which the sign shall apply.
Plate 7.4.1 shall extend the validity of the sign to trucks, and plate 7.4.2, including with a trailer, with a maximum, permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons,
plate 7.4.3 – to cars, as well as trucks, permitted weight up to 3.5 tons,
plate 7.4.8 – for vehicles equipped with identification marks “Dangerous cargo”.


«Type of route vehicle»


«Tourist bus»
Used with sign 5.15 “Parking place” to indicate the area for parking of tourist buses and boarding (disembarking) of tourists.

7.4.9 – 7.4.14

«Except for the type of vehicle»
Indicate the type of vehicle that is not covered by the sign.


«Saturdays, Sundays and holidays»
Shall indicate the days of the week during which the sign is valid.


«Working days»
Shall indicate the days of the week during which the sign is valid.


«Days of the week»
Shall indicate the days of the week during which the sign is valid.


«Action time»
Shall indicate the time of day during which the sign is valid.

7.5.5 – 7.5.7

«Action time»
Shall indicate the days of the week and the time of day during which the sign is valid.

7.6.1 – 7.6.18

«Method of parking»
7.6.1 shall indicate that all vehicles must be placed on the carriageway along the sidewalk;
7.6.2 – 7.6.9 shall indicate the method of parking cars and motorcycles in a sidewalk parking lot.
Shall be applied with a sign 5.15.


«Engine idle parking»
Shall indicate that in the parking lot marked with sign 5.15, parking of vehicles shall be permitted only with the engine not running.


«Paid services»
Shall indicate that services are provided for payment only.


«Limitation of parking time»
Shall indicate the maximum duration of the vehicle’s stay in the parking lot, marked with sign 5.15.


«Space for car inspection»
Shall indicate that there is a car ramp or a viewing ditch on the site marked with signs 5.15 or 6.11.


«Gross weight limit»
Shall indicate that the sign shall apply only to vehicles with a maximum permissible mass exceeding that indicated on the plate.


«Direction of the main road»
Shall indicate the direction of the main road at the intersection.


Shall indicate the lane that the sign or traffic light shall apply to.


«Pedestrians with complete loss of vision»
Indicates that the pedestrian crossing is used by persons with complete loss of vision. It is used with signs 1.20, 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and traffic lights.


«Wet coating»
Shall indicate that the sign is valid for the period when the road surface is wet.


«Persons with disabilities»
Indicates that the effect of the 5.15 sign applies only to motor scooters and cars on which the identification marks “Person with disabilities” are installed.


«Except for people with disabilities»
Indicates that the signs do not apply to motor scooters and cars on which the identification marks “Person with disabilities” are installed.


«Class of dangerous cargo»
Shall indicate the number of the class (classes) of dangerous cargo in accordance with GOST 19433. It is used with signs 3.32, 4.9.1 -4.9.3.


«The tow truck is working»


«Type of route vehicle»


«Type of vehicle»
Applies to electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles that can be charged from an external source.


«Except for the type of vehicle»
It does not apply to electric and hybrid vehicles that can be charged from an external source.


«Environmental class of the vehicle»


«Charging electric vehicles»


«Type of vehicle»
Applies to electric scooters.


«Except for the type of vehicle»
Does not apply to electric scooters.

The plates are placed directly under the sign with which they are applied. Signs 7.2.2 – 7.2.4, 7.13 when placing signs above the carriageway, curb or sidewalk are placed to the side of the sign.

In cases where the values of temporary road signs (on a portable stand) and stationary signs contradict each other, drivers should be guided by temporary signs.

Plate 7.21 is used in conjunction with the prohibiting signs 3.27-3.30, informs about the detention of the vehicle and its placement in a specialized parking lot.

Plate 7.24 is used with signs 3.2-3.6, 4.1.1-4.1.6, 3.18.1, 3.18.2 to extend the validity of the sign to vehicles with an environmental class lower than that indicated on the plate or whose environmental class is not indicated in the registration documents for these vehicles. They are used with signs 5.15 to extend the validity of the sign to vehicles with an environmental class corresponding to or above that indicated on the plate, or whose environmental class is not specified in the registration documents for these vehicles.

Предыдущая статья6. SERVICE SIGNS