Type of violation Article of CoAO Fine (MCI 3692 tg.)
Driving a vehicle that has not passed state or mandatory technical inspection.ar. 590 p. 95
The operation by individuals of motor vehicles and other mobile vehicles and installations with pollutant content in emissions, as well as the level of noise produced by them during operation, exceeds the established standards.ar. 334 p. 1Warning or fine 2 MPI
Driving a registered vehicle with unreadable or installed in violation of the requirements of the national standard state registration plates.ar. 590 p. 15
Driving a vehicle without state registration plates or after the prohibition of its operation, or unregistered in the prescribed manner.ar. 590 p. 210
Installation of knowingly false or counterfeit state registration plates on the vehicle.ar. 590 p. 315
Driving a vehicle with knowingly false or counterfeit state registration plates (sign), as well as driving a vehicle with state registration plates equipped with devices and materials that prevent the identification of state registration plates (sign) or allow them to change or hide.ar. 590 p. 420 MCI

or deprivation of license for 1 year

Driving vehicles that do not meet the requirements of technical regulations, national standards, as well as in the presence of a malfunction or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, except for the cases specified in paragraph six of this article.ar. 590 p. 55
Driving vehicles that have faults in the braking system, steering system, coupling device.ar. 590 p. 615
Driving a vehicle that has been converted without proper authorization.ar. 590 p. 715
Installation on the front of the vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or retroreflective devices of red color and lighting devices, the mode of operation of which does not meet the requirements for the admission of vehicles for operation.ar. 603 p. 115
Installation of devices for special light and (or) sound signals (except security alarms) on the vehicle without proper authorization.ar. 603 p. 225
Illegal application on the outer surfaces of the vehicle of special color schemes of vehicles of operational and special services.ar. 603 p. 325

Следующая статья11. OTHER VIOLATIONS