1. Traffic rules for cyclists


A bicycle is equated with other vehicles, therefore, a cyclist, as a driver of a vehicle, must follow the rules of the road when driving around the city and remember the responsibility that lies on him.

According to the Rules of the Road of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter “SDA”), persons over the age of 16 are allowed to drive a bicycle while driving on roads. (Traffic regulations, paragraph 24.165). A cyclist who gets off his bike and leads it with his hands is equated to a pedestrian.

1) — The cyclist must follow the rules of the road, drive carefully and not cause interference.

2) — In populated areas, it is allowed to move bicycles at a speed of no more than 60 km/h.

3) — In residential areas, cycling areas and courtyards — no more than 20 km/h.

4) — You can only cross the road at a pedestrian crossing on foot!
Crossing a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle, you can get hit by a car, the driver just won’t have time to notice you!

5) — You cannot turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic.

6) — You cannot turn left or turn around on roads that have more than one lane for traffic in this direction.

7) — The order of passage of an equivalent intersection — skip the one who crosses the intersection to your right.

MANEUVERS (turns, braking and overtaking)

Before starting the maneuver, it is necessary to make sure that the maneuver will not interfere with other road users and will be safe for the cyclist himself. It is important to learn how to turn around on the move, maintaining balance and control of the bike.

Turn right


Turn left

Avoid blind spots!
Blind spots — the first cause of accidents! The blind spots correspond to the full right/left length of the vehicles. The driver is not able to see that someone is riding a bike nearby. Trucks and buses also have significant blind spots where cyclists are invisible.

What is PROHIBITED for cyclists

Control the bike without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand.

To transport cargo protruding beyond the dimensions of more than 0.5 m.

To transport cargo that interferes with management.

Talking on the phone without handsfree.

To control the bike with headphones—you can not hear the approaching danger.

To drive in a state of intoxication, under the influence of narcotic drugs, in a painful or tired state.

Move along sidewalks and footpaths.

Tow the bike.

To transport passengers, unless it is provided for by the design of the bike.
To transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them.

ACCIDENTS with cyclists

Unfortunately, even impeccable compliance with traffic Rules does not guarantee complete safety on the road. If there is the slightest uncertainty or distrust of the driver of another vehicle, it is better to give way. The most common violations of cyclists that lead to accidents; riding in the oncoming lane, riding on the sidewalk, running a red light, maneuvering in front of moving vehicles, riding without lighting devices at night.

Actions in case of an accident

1) Provide first aid and call an ambulance.

2) Stop and do not touch the vehicles immediately.

3) Do not move objects related to the incident.

4) If traffic is difficult, record the position of vehicles, tracks and objects related to the incident in front of witnesses, take all possible measures to preserve them and organize a detour.

5) Put an emergency stop sign, a red flashing light, or bright things on the road 15 meters (in the city) or 30 meters (outside the city) from the accident site.

6) Report the incident to the police, write down the names and addresses of the witnesses and wait for the arrival of police officers.

Предыдущая статьяHOW FAST CAN I DRIVE SDA RK
Следующая статья2. Where cyclists can ride