1. These Traffic rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) shall establish a single procedure for road traffic throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The following basic concepts shall be used in the Rules:

1) highway — a road specially built or reconstructed in accordance with the project for the movement of vehicles, which does not serve roadside properties. Access to it shall be possible only from other roads through interchanges at different levels. This road shall:

have separate carriageways for traffic in different directions, separated from each other by a traffic line not intended for traffic;

not have intersections at the same level with other roads, railway and tram tracks and footpaths;

be specially marked as a motorway, when entering the motorway with sign 5.1 and exiting with sign 5.2 (hereinafter, the numbering of road signs is given in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules);

2) bus — a car designed for the transportation of passengers and luggage, with more than eight seats, not including the driver’s seat;

3) motor vehicle — a power-driven vehicle intended for driving on roads and transporting people, cargo or equipment installed on it or towing on roads vehicles intended for transporting people, cargo or equipment installed on it, including trolleybuses, except for agricultural tractors or motor vehicles for which the transport of people and cargo is an auxiliary function. This concept shall not apply to tractors and self-propelled machines;

4) road train — a mechanical vehicle coupled to a trailer (trailers);

5) advantage (priority) — the priority of movement in the intended direction concerning other participants in the movement;

6) heavy vehicle — a vehicle with or without cargo, the total mass or load distribution along with the axles of which exceeds the maximum permissible loads for this category of roads and structures on them;

7) stop — a deliberate cessation of the movement of the vehicle for up to five minutes or for a longer time, if necessary for embarking or disembarking passengers, loading or unloading the vehicle (the need to stop the movement of the vehicle due to the organization of traffic shall not be considered a stop (parking).);

8) luggage — the property of a passenger, packed and transported in the luggage compartment of a bus, minibus or luggage car accompanying the bus, or minibus, within the limits established by the Rules transportation of passengers and luggage by road, as well as in a taxi based on an additional agreement with the carrier;

9) main road — a road marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1-2.3.3 or 5.1 concerning a crossed (adjacent) road, or a paved road (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials, etc.) concerning a dirt road. The presence of a paved section on a secondary road immediately before the intersection shall not make it equal in value to the crossed one;

10) overtaking — vehicle passing one or more vehicles moving in front, associated with the departure from the occupied lane and subsequent return to the previously occupied lane;

11) traffic line — a structurally separated element of the road that separates adjacent carriageways of the road and is not intended for the movement or stopping of trackless vehicles and pedestrians, except for the forced stop of pedestrians when crossing the road outside the settlement;

12) bicycle — a vehicle with two or more wheels (except for wheelchairs for the handicapped) and driven by the muscular strength of the people on it;

13) cyclist — a person who drives a bicycle;

14) cycle path — a separate road or part of the road intended for the movement of bicycles and marked with a corresponding sign. The cycle path shall be structurally separated from other roads or other elements of the same road;

15) cycle lane — a carriageway lane intended for the movement of bicycles. The cycle lane shall be separated from the rest of the carriageway with longitudinal road markings and special signs;

16) lawn — a piece of land with an artificial grass cover, which is the background for planting plants and park structures;

17) flower bed — a piece of land in the form of a geometric figure, on which plants form a pattern or pattern;

18) built-up area — a built-up area, the entrances to which and the exits from which are marked with signs 5.22 – 5.25;

18-1) reflective object – an object made of special materials with the ability to return a ray of light back to the source, providing visibility to the driver at a distance of one hundred and fifty meters with low beam headlights on and four hundred with high beam headlights on, including reflective clothing, reflective element on clothing;

19) pedestrian — a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it. Pedestrians are equal to individuals moving in wheelchairs for the handicapped, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, or baby carriage;

20) pedestrian crossing — a section of the carriageway, marked with signs 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 – 1.14.3 and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing shall be determined by the distance between signs 5.16.1 and 5.16.2 along the axis of the road (hereinafter, the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Annex 2 to these Rules);

21) insufficient visibility — the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in conditions of fog, rain, dust, snowfall and the like, as well as at dusk;

22) passenger — a person who is on (in) a vehicle and does not control it;

23) non-regular road transportation of passengers and luggage — transportation that is not classified as regular, carried out using buses, minibuses by carriers that have licenses issued in the prescribed manner;

24) road — the entire land allotment strip or the surface of an artificial structure, equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians in the manner established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Road Traffic” and these Rules. The road includes one or more carriageways of the road, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and dividing lanes if any;

25) give way (not to create hindrance) — means that a road user shall not start, resume or continue to move, shall not perform any manoeuvre, if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change direction movement or speed;

26) roadside — a road element adjacent directly to the carriageway and designed to ensure the stability of the subgrade, improve road safety, organize the movement of pedestrians and cyclists, as well as use in emergencies;

27) road traffic — a set of social relations arising in the process of moving people and cargo using vehicles or without them within roads;

28) carriageway — a part of the road used for the movement of vehicles;

29) road user — a person directly involved in the process of road traffic as a pedestrian, passenger or driver;

30) road safety — the state of road traffic, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants from traffic accidents and their consequences, as well as the negative impacts of road traffic on the environmental situation, and public health;

31) organization of traffic — a complex of organizational and legal, regulatory and methodological, design and survey, organizational and technical, control and supervision, administrative and other measures for traffic management;

32) traffic accident — an event that occurred during the movement of a vehicle on the road and with its participation, resulting in harm to health, death of a person, damage to vehicles, structures, cargo or other material damage;

33) intersection — a place of intersection, junction or branching of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, the beginnings of the bend of the carriageways of the roads, which are the most distant from the centre of the intersection. Exits from adjacent territories, as well as places of intersection (adjacency) with the field, forest, exits from residential areas and other minor roads, in front of which priority signs are not installed, shall not be considered intersections;

34) driver — a person driving a vehicle, a driver, leading cattle, herd, pack, draft or riding animals along the road;

35) mass without load — the mass of a vehicle without a crew, passengers and cargo, but with a full supply of fuel and the necessary set of tools;

36) weight with load — the actual weight of the loaded vehicle, crew and passengers;

37) edge of the carriageway — shall be determined by the marking line, and in its absence by a conditional line passing along the edge of the road surface, as well as at the junction of the carriageway to the tram tracks at the edge of the road. If it is impossible to determine the edge of the road surface, including according to road conditions, the edge of the carriageway shall be determined by the road user him/herself along the edge of the rolled lane;

38) traffic lane — any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway, marked or not marked with longitudinal markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row;

39) traffic obstruction — an immovable object on a traffic lane that does not allow to continue driving along this lane. A traffic jam or a vehicle that has stopped on this lane in accordance with the requirements of the Rules shall not be an obstacle;

40) danger to traffic — a situation that has arisen in the course of traffic, in which the continuation of traffic in the same direction and at the same speed creates a risk of a traffic accident;

41) lane-change — changing the lane occupied by a vehicle while maintaining the original direction of movement;

42) dangerous cargo — cargo, which, due to its inherent properties and characteristics during transportation, loading and unloading operations and storage, can cause an explosion, fire or damage to technical means, devices, buildings, structures and facilities, as well as death, injury or diseases of people, animals, damage to the environment;

43) public transport — public transport, carrying out regular and irregular road transport of passengers and luggage, as well as taxis;

44) vehicle — a device designed to transport people, cargo or equipment installed on it by road;

45) daytime running lights — external lighting devices designed to improve the visibility of a moving vehicle in front during daylight hours;

46) maneuvering — the beginning of movement from a stop (parking), standing, turning (U-turning), lane-change, braking and moving the vehicle in reverse;

47) route vehicle — a vehicle of general use (bus, trolley bus, tram) intended for the transportation of passengers on roads and moving along an established route with designated stopping points (stops);

48) forced stop — stopping the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the transported cargo, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road;

49) power-driven vehicle — a self-propelled road vehicle driven by an engine, except for mopeds and rail vehicles. The concept shall also apply to tractors and self-propelled vehicles with their participation in road traffic;

50) moped — a two- or three-wheeled vehicle equipped with an internal combustion engine with a cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty cubic centimetres, or an electric engine and having a maximum design speed of not more than fifty kilometres per hour. Bicycles with outboard motors, mokicks, scooters and other vehicles with similar characteristics shall be equated to mopeds;

51) motorcycle — a two-wheeled mechanical vehicle with or without a side trailer, having an engine. Three- and four-wheeled vehicles, the unladen weight of which does not exceed four hundred kilograms, scooters with a cylinder capacity exceeding fifty cubic centimetres, and other vehicles with similar characteristics, shall be equated to motorcycles;

52) vehicle passing — the movement of a vehicle at a speed greater than the speed of a vehicle moving in an adjacent lane, in one direction;

53) permitted maximum mass — the mass of an equipped vehicle with cargo, driver and passengers, established by the manufacturer as the maximum allowable. For the permitted maximum mass of the composition of vehicles, that is, coupled and moving as a whole, the sum of the permitted maximum masses of the vehicles included in the composition is taken;

54) traffic warden — a recognizable and visible at any time of the day an employee of the internal affairs bodies, military police or a serviceman of the road commandant unit, an employee of the transport control bodies of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Transport control bodies), an employee of the road maintenance service, an officer on duty at a level crossing, a ferry crossing, having an appropriate certificate and equipment (uniform or a distinctive sign – an armband, a baton, a disk with a red signal or a retro reflector, a red lantern or flag), authorized to carry out regulatory actions to control traffic on the roads;

55) taxi — a car designed for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road, equipped in accordance with the Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road;

56) dark time of the day — a period from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight;

57) level crossing — the intersection of a road with railway tracks on the same level. The boundary of the crossing is a section of the road bounded by an imaginary line at a distance of 10 m from the nearest rail;

58) parking — a deliberate stoppage of the movement of a vehicle for more than five minutes for reasons not related to the embarking or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of a vehicle;

59) sidewalk — a part of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians, adjacent to the carriageway of the road or separated from it by a lawn;

60) residential area — a plot, built-up area or massif, marked with the sign 5.38;

61) trailer — a vehicle that is not equipped with an engine and is intended to be driven in combination with a power-driven vehicle. The concept shall also apply to semi-trailers and trailers-dissolutions;

62) organized pedestrian column — a group of pedestrians moving along the road, organized and marked in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of section 3 of these Rules;

63) organized transport column — a group of three or more motor vehicles following directly one after another along the same traffic lane with constantly on headlights, accompanied by a lead vehicle with a blue flashing beacon or blue and red beacons;

63-1) small electric vehicle – a vehicle equipped with an electric motor, designed for individual movement, having one or more wheels, with the exception of electric scooters and mopeds with an electric motor;

64) limited visibility — visibility by the driver of the road less than 100 meters in the direction of movement, limited by the terrain, the geometric parameters of the road, vegetation, buildings, structures or other objects, including vehicles;

65) adjacent territory — the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic of vehicles. Movement on the adjacent territory shall be carried out in accordance with these Rules;

66) large vehicle — a vehicle with or without cargo, which exceeds the overall dimensions established by regulatory legal acts.

67) electric scooter – a vehicle of individual mobility having two or three wheels, designed for the movement of one person through the use of an electric motor (electric motors), without a seat, with a maximum design speed of no more than twenty-five kilometers per hour.

3. Right-hand movement of vehicles is established in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Necessary changes and restrictions in the organization of traffic are introduced in the prescribed manner only with the help of road signs, road markings, traffic lights and traffic wardens, as well as orders of persons authorized to regulate traffic.

When there is a change in the organization of traffic on the roads or individual sections of roads, road users shall be notified through the media.

5. The realization of the rights of some road users must not violate the rights of other road users.

Road users shall be required:

1) to know and comply with the Rules, and requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Road Traffic”;

2) to comply with the requirements of the signals of the traffic warden and traffic lights, road signs, road markings, which are used to regulate traffic, sound and light signals used in road works, special light and sound signals of vehicles of operational and special services;

3) to create safe conditions for road traffic, by their actions or inaction not cause harm to other road users, their vehicles and other property;

4) not to damage or pollute the road surface, not to remove road signs, not obscure or damage them, and not arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing traffic;

5) not to obstruct traffic or endanger its safety by throwing, unloading or leaving on the road objects or materials that interfere with traffic, refrain from any actions that may interfere with traffic, endanger people or cause damage to property;

6) to take measures in case of detection or creation of an obstacle to traffic on the road to remove this obstacle, and if this is not possible – to mark this obstacle in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Road Traffic” or in another way that ensures road safety, and report the obstacle to the authorized body for ensuring road safety or road owners;

7) to act conscientiously, correctly, be attentive and mutually polite, and not create obstacles and dangers for traffic;

8) to prevent road pollution, including not throwing garbage, objects that create a danger to traffic, and other objects outside specially designated places;

9) to perform other duties in the field of traffic, established by the laws Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. Persons who violate the Rules shall be liable in accordance with the laws Republic of Kazakhstan.

7. In the event of a stop of the vehicle, persons who have the right to check the documents of the driver of the vehicle or use the vehicle shall immediately approach the vehicle, explain the reasons for the stop of the vehicle and present, at the request of the driver, for familiarization and identification of the name and position, an official certificate without his transfer to the driver, if the violation by the driver of the vehicle of the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Road Traffic” and (or) these Rules is recorded by certified special technical means and devices, present the relevant materials to the driver for review.

8. In the event of a traffic accident, if there are no victims, with the mutual consent of the drivers in assessing the circumstances of the incident, after drawing up a diagram of the incident and signing it, they shall arrive at the nearest subdivision of the internal affairs bodies to file the incident.